

May 08, 2011

Activity Stream

poborski commented on a Page, s  -  Sep 16, 2011

thats the original one

poborski commented on a Page, s  -  Sep 16, 2011
poborski commented on a Page, !rsn Runescape Name Looker  -  Sep 13, 2011

on $:TEXT:/^!@./Si:#: {
if (!$2) { $iif($left($1,1) == @,msg #,.notice $nick) 4Error! 14Lookup name not supplied! | halt }
if ($len($2-) > 12) { $iif($left($1,1) == @,msg #,.notice $nick) 4Error! 14No more than 12 characters allowed! | halt }
else {
set %nick.query $replace($2-,$chr(32),_)
set %nick.ans $iif($left($1,1) == @,msg #,.notice $nick)
sockopen Nick. [ $+ [ $ticks ] ] www.rscript.org 80
} }
sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/lookup.php?type=namecheck&name= $+ %nick.query) HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: rscript.org
sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
if ($sockerr) { %nick.ans 4Error! 14 An error in the socket has caused this error4 " $+ $sockerr $+ "14 Please memo "botmaster" with this socket error. | halt }
else {
var %nick.read
sockread %nick.read
if (
NAMECHECK:* iswm %nick.read) {
tokenize 32 %nick.read
if ($2 == AVALIBLE) { set %nick.avlbty 9Available! }
elseif ($2 == NOTAVALIBLE) { set %nick.avlbty 4Not Available. }
%nick.ans 14[NICK14]4 %nick.Query 14is %nick.avlbty
sockclose $sockname

} }

poborski commented on a Page, s  -  Sep 13, 2011

meh this was suppost to be correction from name looker was suppost to post there but guess i did wrong this is from someone else i was just adding 1 thing on it to correct

poborski created a Page  -  Sep 13, 2011
1 136 

well here is the corrections from it

poborski commented on a Page, !rsn Runescape Name Looker  -  Sep 13, 2011

there is a error on this it was suppost to be 12 caracters if u add 13 caracters it will still accept if u give like a space

poborski commented on a Page, farming payments  -  Sep 11, 2011

this is a script for people who plays a mmorpg called runescape this is for a skill called farming on that game

poborski commented on a Page, farming payments  -  Sep 11, 2011

lol >.< well yea i abused a lil bit i didnt know other way to do this without being in dialog way but i accept suggestions :p

poborski created a Page  -  Sep 11, 2011

very simple command from farming

poborski   -  Sep 07, 2011

@Jethro hey man id like to ask you something my mirc stopped reading all my scripts do u have any idea why would it be? or any suggestion for it?

poborski commented on a Page, Auto Identify on Connect or command  -  Aug 20, 2011

isnt there a way to put auto identify

poborski commented on a Page, RuneScape Construction v2  -  May 31, 2011

so it would look like this?

alias con {
setvar {
var %i 100
while %i <= 127 {
set $+($(%,),lvl) %i $r(1,999999999)
inc %i
if ($3 == +c ) { var %conmsg msg $chan }
else { var %conmsg echo -a }
if ($1 < 127 ) && ($2 <= 127 ) {
var %needed $calc(%lvl [ $+ [ $2 ] ] - ( %lvl [ $+ [ $1 ] ] )) | var %neededham $ceil($calc(%needed / 50750)) | var %Con-percent $ceil($calc((%lvl [ $+ [ $1 ] ] / ( %lvl [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) )100))
if ($1 <= 33 ) {
var %neededpl $ceil($calc(%needed / 60)) | var %con-price $calc(%neededpl
175) | var %con-price1 $calc(%neededpl 275) | %conmsg ---14Construction Level(from $1 $+ ):1 %con-percent $+ % to level $2 $+ 14. Exp:4 $bytes(%needed,b) 14(Planks:7 $bytes(%neededpl,b) $+ 14) (Hammers:12 $bytes(%neededham,b) 14) (Price:3 $bytes(%con-price,b) - $bytes(%con-price1,b) $+ 14)1--- | halt }
if ($1 isnum 33-127 ) { var %neededoak $ceil($calc(%needed / 120)) | var %butler$ $calc($ceil($calc((%neededoak / 120 )))
5000) | var %con-price $calc(%neededoak 375) | var %con-price1 $calc(%neededoak 425) | %conmsg ---14Construction Level(from $1 $+ ):1 %con-percent $+ % to level $2 $+ 14. Exp:4 $bytes(%needed,b) 14(Planks:7 $bytes(%neededoak,b) $+ 14) (Hammers:12 $bytes(%neededham,b) 14) (Price:3 $bytes(%con-price,b) - $bytes(%con-price1,b) $+ 14) 14(Butler Price:6 $bytes(%butler$,b) $+ 14)1--- | halt }
if ($1 > 127 ) && ($2 <= 127 ) {
var %needed $calc(%lvl [ $+ [ $2 ] ] - $1 ) | var %neededham $ceil($calc(%needed / 50750)) | var %Con-percent $ceil($calc(($1 / %lvl [ $+ [ $2 ] ] )100))
if ($1 < 18247 ) { var %neededpl $ceil($calc(%needed / 120)) | var %butler$ $calc($ceil($calc((%neededoak / 120 )))
5000) | var %con-price $calc(%neededpl 175) | var %con-price1 $calc(%neededpl 275) | %conmsg ---14Construction Level(from $1 $+ ):1 %con-percent $+ % to $2 14Exp. Exp:4 $bytes(%needed,b) 14(Planks:7 $bytes(%neededpl,b) $+ 14) (Hammers:12 $bytes(%neededham,b) 14) (Price:3 $bytes(%con-price,b) - $bytes(%con-price1,b) $+ 14) 14(Butler Price:6 $bytes(%butler$,b) $+ 14)1--- | halt }
if ($1 > 18247 ) { var %neededoak $ceil($calc(%needed / 120)) | var %butler$ $calc($ceil($calc((%neededoak / 120 )))5000) | var %con-price $calc(%neededoak 375) | var %con-price1 $calc(%neededoak 425) | %conmsg ---14Construction Level(from $1 $+ ):1 %con-percent $+ % to level $2 $+ 14. Exp:4 $bytes(%needed,b) 14(Planks:7 $bytes(%neededoak,b) $+ 14) (Hammers:12 $bytes(%neededham,b) 14) (Price:3 $bytes(%con-price,b) - $bytes(%con-price1,b) $+ 14) 14(Butler Price:6 $bytes(%butler$,b) $+ 14)1--- | halt }
else { echo -a 4Syntax Error in6 $script $+ 4. Try: 7/con Level/Exp Goal Level4. For example /con 92 127 }
on $
:text:/^[@!.]con(struct)?(ion)? /Si:#: {
setvar {
var %i 100
while %i <= 127 {
set $+($(%,),lvl) %i $r(1,999999999)
inc %i
inc -u3 %spam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if (%spam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] isnum 3-20 ) { notice $nick Fuck you. Don't abuse my scripts faggot. | set %ignore. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] | .timer 1 180 /unset %ignore. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] | halt }
elseif ($address($nick,2) == %ignore. [ $+ [ $address ] ] ) { halt }
if ($1 == @con ) { var %conmsg msg $chan }
else { var %conmsg notice $nick }
if ($2 !isnum || $3 !isnum ) { halt }
if (!$2 || !$3 ) { notice $nick Syntax Error: (.!@)con(struction) Level/Exp Goal Level | halt }
if ($2 >= 1 ) && ($3 <= 127 ) {
if ($2 >= $3 ) && ($2 <= 127 ) { notice $nick You must specify a level greater than your current! | halt }
var %needed $calc(%lvl [ $+ [ $3 ] ] - %lvl [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) | var %neededham $ceil($calc(%needed / 50750)) | var %con-percent $ceil($calc(( %lvl [ $+ [ $2 ] ] / %lvl [ $+ [ $3 ] ] )
if ($2 <= 33 ) { var %neededpl $ceil($calc(%needed / 60)) | var %con-price $calc(%neededpl 175) | var %con-price1 $calc(%neededpl 275) | %conmsg ---14Construction Level(from $2 $+ ):1 %con-percent $+ % to level $3 $+ 14. Exp:4 $bytes(%needed,b) 14(Planks:7 $bytes(%neededpl,b) $+ 14) (Hammers:12 $bytes(%neededham,b) 14) (Price:3 $bytes(%con-price,b) - $bytes(%con-price1,b) $+ 14)1--- | notice $nick The 12Hammers5- Sacred Clay from the mini-game stealing creations made into Hammers. The 7Planks5- Regular planks from Logs. | halt }
if ($2 isnum 33-127 ) { var %neededoak $ceil($calc(%needed / 120)) | var %butler$ $calc($ceil($calc((%neededoak / 120 )))5000) | var %con-price $calc(%neededoak 375) | var %con-price1 $calc(%neededoak 425) | %conmsg ---14Construction Level(from $2 $+ ):1 %con-percent $+ % to level $3 $+ 14. Exp:4 $bytes(%needed,b) 14(Planks:7 $bytes(%neededoak,b) $+ 14) (Hammers:12 $bytes(%neededham,b) 14) (Price:3 $bytes(%con-price,b) - $bytes(%con-price1,b) $+ 14) 14(Butler Price:6 $bytes(%butler$,b) $+ 14)1--- | notice $nick The 12Hammers5- Sacred Clay from the mini-game stealing creations made into Hammers. The 7Planks5- Oak planks. The 6Butler Price5- Is the price using a regular butler, not demon. | halt }}
} }
if ($2 > 127) && ($3 <= 127 ) {
if (%lvl [ $+ [ $3 ] ] <= $2 ) { notice $nick You must specify a level or Exp greater than your current! | halt }
var %needed $calc(%lvl [ $+ [ $3 ] ] - $2 ) | var %neededham $ceil($calc(%needed / 50750)) | var %Con-percent $ceil($calc(($2 / %lvl [ $+ [ $3 ] ] )
if ($2 < 18247 ) { var %neededpl $ceil($calc(%needed / 120)) | var %butler$ $calc($ceil($calc((%neededpl / 120 )))5000) | var %con-price $calc(%neededpl 200) | var %con-price1 $calc(%neededpl 300) | %conmsg ---14Construction Level(from $bytes($2,b) Exp):1 %con-percent $+ % to level $3 $+ 14. Exp:4 $bytes(%needed,b) 14(Planks:7 $bytes(%neededpl,b) $+ 14) (Hammers:12 $bytes(%neededham,b) 14) (Price:3 $bytes(%con-price,b) - $bytes(%con-price1,b) $+ 14)1--- | notice $nick The 12Hammers5- Sacred Clay from the mini-game stealing creations made into Hammers. The 7Planks5- Regular planks from Logs. | halt }
elseif ($2 >= 18247 ) { var %neededoak $ceil($calc(%needed / 120)) | var %butler$ $calc($ceil($calc((%neededoak / 120 )))
5000) | var %con-price $calc(%neededoak 375) | var %con-price1 $calc(%neededoak 425) | %conmsg ---14Construction Level(from $bytes($2,b) Exp):1 %con-percent $+ % to level $3 $+ 14. Exp:4 $bytes(%needed,b) 14(Planks:7 $bytes(%neededoak,b) $+ 14) (Hammers:12 $bytes(%neededham,b) 14) (Price:3 $bytes(%con-price,b) - $bytes(%con-price1,b) $+ 14) 14(Butler Price:6 $bytes(%butler$,b) $+ 14)1--- | notice $nick The 12Hammers5- Sacred Clay from the mini-game stealing creations made into Hammers. The 7Planks5- Oak planks. The 6Butler Price5- Is the price using a regular butler, not demon. | halt }
} } }

poborski commented on a Page, Grats script  -  May 31, 2011

if u type !gratz 120 dungeoneering it wont show any mensage so guess we need to add something like this

($2 <= 120) && ($2 > 1) && ($skill == Dungeoneering)

poborski commented on a Page, RuneScape Construction v2  -  May 31, 2011

where would i set up the loop?

poborski commented on a Page, RuneScape Construction v2  -  May 28, 2011

so that alias would replace the current alias? still reading guides to build stuff so any tip i would like it

poborski commented on a Page, RuneScape Construction v2  -  May 26, 2011

your script is good but i would suggest to rise variables till 200m since its the max from that game

i will post here for ppl who wants it

%lvl100 14391160
%lvl 101 15889109
%lvl 102 17542976
%lvl 103 19368992
%lvl 104 21385073
%lvl 105 23611006
%lvl 106 26068632
%lvl 107 28782069
%lvl 108 31777943
%lvl 109 35085654
%lvl 110 38737661
%lvl 111 42769801
%lvl 112 47221641
%lvl 113 52136869
%lvl 114 57563718
%lvl 115 63555443
%lvl 116 70170840
%lvl 117 77474828
%lvl 118 85539082
%lvl 119 94442737
%lvl 120 104273167
%lvl 121 115126838
%lvl 122 127110260
%lvl 123 140341028
%lvl 124 154948977
%lvl 125 171077457
%lvl 126 188884740
%lvl 127 200000000

ps i changed the value from 127 cuz the result would be 208m and something but since the max from hiscores its only 200m i made 127 has 200m

poborski commented on a Page, RuneScape Adventurer's Log Viewer  -  May 25, 2011

hey well yea its like jethro_ said but thanks thought im gona try to do it

about ur script its great i think a defname incorporated on it would stay good 2

poborski commented on a Page, RuneScape Adventurer's Log Viewer  -  May 25, 2011

isnt there a way to put alog like this

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]alog/Si:#: {
var %o = $iif($left($1,1) == @,msg #,.notice $nick)
var %q = $getsource(http://rscript.org/lookup.php?type=alog&user= $+ $iif($2,$2,%defname [ $+ [ $address($nick,3) ] ]))
echo -a %q
%o %q

so everyone on swiftirc.net are abble to check aswell?

poborski commented on a Page, RuneScape Stats  -  May 11, 2011

everytime i test now it just tells me i need to be in top 1 million even 2 there is something wrong cuz should show the ranked stats idk wat to do to correct it right know kinda blocked :x

poborski commented on a Page, RuneScape Stats  -  May 11, 2011

oh thanks bielie cuz everytime i tried to test command only gave me link

poborski commented on a Page, Drop Logger  -  May 10, 2011

wat does it do?

poborski commented on a Page, RuneScape Stats  -  May 08, 2011

on $:TEXT:/^!@.?stats /Si:#: {
if (!$2) { .notice $nick Enter an RSN to look up! | halt }
if ($len($2) > 12) { .notice $nick RSN too long! | halt }
var %x = 1
while ($sock(rsstats. $+ %x)) inc %x
.set %target. $+ %x $iif($left($1,1) == @,.msg $chan,.notice $nick)
.set %rsn. $+ %x $replace($2-,$chr(32),+)
sockopen rsstats. $+ %x hiscore.runescape.com 80
on :sockopen:rsstats.: {
var %x = $right($sockname,1)
if ($sockerr > 0) { %target. [ $+ [ %x ] ] Socket Error: $sockerr | cleanup $sockname | halt }
sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /lookup.php?type=stats&user= $+ $3 ] HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: hiscore.runescape.com 80
sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
on :sockread:rsstats.: {
var %x = $right($sockname,1)
if ($sockerr > 0) { %target. [ $+ [ %x ] ] Socket Error: $sockerr | cleanup $sockname | halt }
var %read | sockread %read
if (: 0 isin %read) { %target. [ $+ [ %x ] ] %rsn. [ $+ [ %x ] ] is not in the Hi-Scores. You have to be in the top million of any skill with a skill level of at least 30. | cleanup $sockname }
if (combat isin %read) { %target. [ $+ [ %x ] ] $remove(%read,END) }
if (overall isin %read) { %target. [ $+ [ %x ] ] $remove(%read,END,|) | cleanup $sockname }
alias cleanup {
unset %target. $+ $right($1,1)
unset %rsn. $+ $right($1,1)
sockclose $1

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