

Apr 06, 2015


romkesz   -  Apr 06, 2015

that i'm trying to do: only nicknames in names.txt file can join to channel, all others got kick + ban from channel. users can add remotly by !adduser nick something like that...

menu nicklist {
  .Set As Bot Master: writeini access.ini Access $address($1,2) Master
on *:TEXT:-Access add *:*: {
  if ($readini(access.ini,Access,$nick) == $null) .notice $nick 4Error: You do not have access to this command
  elseif ($4 >= $readini(access.ini,Access,$nick)) && ($readini(access.ini,Access,$nick) != Master) .notice $nick 4Error: The access level can not be equal to or higher than your own unless you are Bot Master
  elseif ($4 > 10) && ($readini(access.ini,Access,$address($nick,2)) == Master) .notice $nick 4Error: Access level can not be higher than 10
  else {
    writeini access.ini Access $address($3,2) $4
    msg $chan $3 ( $+ $address($nick,2) $+ ) has been added to the access list.
on 1:TEXT:-Access del *:*: { 
  if ($readini(access.ini,Access,$address($nick,2)) == $null) .notice $nick 4Error: You do not have access to this command
  elseif ($readini(access.ini,Access,$address($nick,2)) <= $readini(access.ini,Access,$address($3,2))) && ($readini(access.ini,Access,$address($nick,2)) != Master) .notice $nick 4Error: The access level you are trying to delete can not be equal to or higher than your own unless you are Bot Master
  elseif ($readini(access.ini,Access,$3) == $null) .notice $nick 4Error: That names isn't on the access list.
  else {
    remini access.ini Access $3 
    msg $chan $3 ( $+ $address($3,2) $+ ) has been deleted from the access list.
on *:TEXT:-Access List:*: .play -n $nick access.ini
on @*:Join:#: {
  if ($readini(access.ini,Access,$address($nick,2)) <= 2) mode $chan +v $nick
  elseif ($readini(access.ini,Access,$address($nick,2)) <= 4) mode $chan +h $nick 
  elseif ($readini(access.ini,Access,$address($nick,2)) <= 6) mode $chan +o $nick 
  elseif ($readini(access.ini,Access,$address($nick,2)) <= 8) mode $chan +a $nick 
  elseif ($readini(access.ini,Access,$address($nick,2)) <= 10) mode $chan +q $nick
  elseif ($readini(access.ini,Access,$address($nick,2)) == akick) {
    mode $chan +b $address($nick,2) | kick $chan $nick You are not allowed to be on this channel.

i got something like that, but its not working...

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