

Mar 26, 2005
mIRC scripting, Soldat, Xbox.

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ReegusMark5 commented on a Page, Simple Quote Script  -  Mar 27, 2005

When in dought, Google it.

ReegusMark5 created a Page  -  Mar 27, 2005

Well, Some people dont like downloading scripts(I know I don't) So Iv'e made my own bot script for anyone who just wants a simple bot that peforms simple commands, It has Op Deop Voice Devoice Ban Unban Kickban Mute(Only works on moderated channels) !Welcome Sets welcome message, Autoop, Autovoice, Chanvoice(Voices anyone joining the channel) and !Commands, Read the !Commands function before using..

  1 Thread   mIRC  
ReegusMark5 commented on a Page, My votes  -  Mar 26, 2005

How do you get money for a script that simple? which you can copy and paste from here!?

ReegusMark5 created a Page  -  Mar 26, 2005

I simple quote script that stores quotes, reads them by number or by random, commands are !Quote (Quote) !Read (Quote Number) , !Random reads a random stored quote and !Lines tells you how many lines there are in Quote.txt To check the txt file go into program files, the mIRC then look for Quote.txt

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