

Mar 25, 2009

Activity Stream

94killerz liked a Page, Promote and Demote Points  -  May 22, 2009
94killerz commented on a Page, Promote and Demote Points  -  May 22, 2009

This may seem like a fairly obvious question, and the answer will probably come to me in 5 minutes but...
How do people earn points?

94killerz liked a Page, AMIP Control Panel  -  May 22, 2009
94killerz commented on a Page, mIRC Channel Protection Bot  -  Apr 30, 2009

Ah, it seems I misspoke. Sorry. I meant to say, is there a way that this can be put into a dialog? I'm fairly new at scripting, I'm alright at making/editing menus, but I have no clue when it comes to the dialogs.

94killerz liked a Page, Weather Script w/5-day Forecast  -  Apr 29, 2009
94killerz commented on a Page, subliminal text  -  Apr 29, 2009

Napa, perhaps you didn't get the joke?
Subliminal = Below absolute threshold = Near impossible to detect with the human eye/ear/etc.
It'd be hard to see if an actual subliminal text script worked.

94killerz liked a Page, mIRC Channel Protection Bot  -  Apr 29, 2009
94killerz commented on a Page, mIRC Channel Protection Bot  -  Apr 29, 2009

Any way all those menus can be merged into a pop-up? For those with multiple menus, it gets a bit frustrating trying to look for the right ones.

94killerz commented on a Page, Ownd!  -  Apr 24, 2009

Is there any other way to earn money? E.G: Someone buys one of your people, or someone buys you.

94killerz commented on a Page, Ownd!  -  Apr 23, 2009

There's something on Facebook similar to this called "Owned!" which, personally, I think would be better name for this.

How do you invite someone/gain more participants?

94killerz commented on a Page, level  -  Apr 12, 2009

Does this auto-voice/op work on unregistered nicks?

94killerz commented on a Page, ExPlOsM.NeT Comic Downloader/Viewer (v.4)  -  Apr 12, 2009

Haha, Kris Wilson = Awesomeness.

94killerz commented on a Page, Top 5 MapleStory Ranking (Image Downloader)  -  Apr 08, 2009

.> I wish I still played. This would be a neat script to have.

94killerz commented on a Page, mIRC Channel Protection Bot  -  Apr 08, 2009

Hm...After thought, it would be pretty dang awesome if this had its own menu thing. Just a quick way to add owners, ops, helpers, voices, possibly change some of the settings, start/stop relay, etc.

Also, I've noticed that the bot quits a channel once it's told to stop relay. (It quits the one it was relaying FROM.) And (not sure if it's supposed to be this way, but....) relay only goes one way? Possibly have options so you can choose how the relay works? (<-- would work well with the menu idea.)

Just a few ideas for it... This script is awesome as it is, I would just like to see it 10x better...if it's possible.

94killerz commented on a Page, Feety's Poll Script  -  Apr 08, 2009

[16:11] <~LittleHelper> Hey guys! A new poll titled 'Does this work?' has been created!Type !poll to see it.
[16:11] <~killerz> !poll
[16:11] --LittleHelper-- -=The current poll for #gdu is as followed=-
[16:11] --LittleHelper-- Question: Does this work?
[16:11] --LittleHelper-- Choice #1: Yes.
[16:11] --LittleHelper-- Choice #2: No!
[16:11] --LittleHelper-- to vote, type '!castvote 1' or '!castvote 2' to vote for that choice.
[16:11] --LittleHelper-- After you vote you can use '!results' to see the data.
[16:11] <~killerz> !castvote 1
[16:11] --LittleHelper-- You have voted for Choice #1 (Yes.)
[16:11] <~killerz> !results
[16:11] --LittleHelper-- -=The current poll is as followed=-
[16:11] --LittleHelper-- Question: Does this work?
[16:11] --LittleHelper-- Choice #1: Yes. ( 1 votes || 100 )
[16:11] --LittleHelper-- Choice #2: No! ( 0 votes || 0 )
[16:11] --LittleHelper-- Total Votes: 1
[16:12] <~killerz> !castvote 2
[16:12] --LittleHelper-- You have already voted for this poll

Only suggestion would be to double-check spelling and grammar. 9/10

94killerz commented on a Page, Poll Script  -  Apr 07, 2009

Looks good. Definitely going to try it out.

94killerz commented on a Page, Chanserv Access Dialog  -  Apr 03, 2009

I'm too new to the scripting business to know how to do any of that...

94killerz commented on a Page, Channel Protection  -  Apr 03, 2009

.> I guess I only thought I did. Sorry about that, thanks for clarifying.

Edit: Another idea that would be nice is to have a bit more options under the "File" tab. Such as... Punishment Order, Access List, No Kick List, etc.

94killerz commented on a Page, Chanserv Access Dialog  -  Apr 03, 2009

Not sure if it's in there since I just loaded this into my channel, but it would be nice if:
-You can organize based on access level and/or nick
-You can allow the easy editing of names for the access levels [or just the display names]. (E.G: Boss (10)...Guest(1))
-You can code it in so you can easily add/remove the commands that each level can do.

That could take a load of time out of quite a few "room-management sessions".

94killerz commented on a Page, Channel Protection  -  Apr 03, 2009

Hm... A "Good Nicks" function would be nice. The owner can add "Good Nicks" and there can be a mode named "Nick Type" or "Nicks Allowed" that can have the options; "Good Nicks", "No Bad Nicks", and "All Nicks". Where "Good Nicks" only allows nicks on the "Good Nicks" list in, "No Bad Nicks" allows anyone in unless they're on the "Bad Nicks" list, and "All Nicks" allows everyone, regardless of list.

Also, what's the specifications for "Flood Protection"? And you did not answer the question regarding "Revolving Door".

94killerz commented on a Page, Channel Protection  -  Apr 03, 2009

Can someone please clarify the following features on the bot?

Sound Protection
Advertising Protection
Flood Protection
Character Flood Protection

And also, how do you add a channel to the list? The Add/Del Chan function isn't seeming to work. Exactly how is it used?

Edit: Please disregard the "add/del chan" question...Being 3 feet from the monitor, I didn't see the text box below it until I started clicking around.

94killerz commented on a Page, login and user system for a bot  -  Apr 02, 2009

No command to change level?

94killerz commented on a Page, mIRC Channel Protection Bot  -  Apr 02, 2009

I've also found that there is no command to make the bot forget anything that was said for it to remember...

94killerz commented on a Page, mIRC Channel Protection Bot  -  Mar 25, 2009

I'm not sure if I'm just missing something, or if it's so obvious that I'm just missing it, but how do you remove someone from an auto list? E.G: I added someone using the ?addvoice command, but now want to take them off the list. Do I use ?delvoice nick ?

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