

Oct 31, 2008

Activity Stream

slacker commented on a Page, Simple Scripting Game  -  May 23, 2010

you can make it like this as well

on $*:text:/^!disparo$/iS:#:{
  if (!%F) { 
    set -u3 %F 1
    msg # $iif($r(0,5) = 0,$nick $+(12,$chr(44),11BOOOOOOOM!!) 12Tus sesos volaron!!!,$&
      12[*** CLICK ***] 14UFFF por poco te has librado 12 $+ $nick)
slacker commented on a Page, On Join Actions  -  Mar 13, 2010

there are many ways to make something like this. here is just one more way..

on @*:JOIN:#: {
  inc $+(%,join,#)
  if ($($+(%,welcome,#),2) && $($+(%,joinss,#),2)) { msg # 8,1Welcome $nick $+ ! You are viewer 0,1#  $+ $($+(%,join,#),2) }
  elseif (!$($+(%,joinss,#),2) && $($+(%,welcome,#),2)) { msg # 8,1Welcome $nick $+ ! }
  elseif (!$($+(%,welcome,#),2) && $($+(%,joinss,#),2)) { msg # 8,1Welcome $nick $+ ! You are viewer 0,1#  $+ $($+(%,join,#),2) }
on $*:TEXT:/^\.(welcome|joins|stats)$/iS:#: {
  if ($regml(1) = welcome) { msg # Welcoming users on join is now 04 $+($iif($($+(%,welcome,#),2),DIS,EN),ABLED) | $iif($($+(%,welcome,#),2),unset,set) $+(%,welcome,#) on }
  elseif ($regml(1) = joins) { msg # Displaying join number on join is now 04 $+($iif($($+(%,joinss,#),2),DIS,EN),ABLED) | $iif($($+(%,joinss,#),2),unset,set) $+(%,joinss,#) on }
  elseif ($regml(1) = stats) { msg # 4,1Joins:0,1 $iif($($+(%,joinss,#),2),on,off) 04,1Welcome:0,1 $iif($($+(%,welcome,#),2),on,off) }
slacker commented on a Page, Join-Welcome Notice  -  Mar 02, 2010

you could use a timer to check if the nick joining is a +o or not

on !*:JOIN:%greetchan: {
  if (%greet) { .timeropcheck 1 2 opcheck $nick # }
alias -l opcheck {
  if ($1 !isop $2) { .notice $1 7 $1 Welcome to $v2 11 Have a nice 7 Chat }
slacker commented on a Page, Really simple poke script!  -  Feb 19, 2010

you can also do it like this as well if all you are doing is a poke.

on $*:text:/^!((about)?poke)?\s?(\S+)/iS:#:{ 
  if (!$hget(poke,$nick)) {
    .hinc -mz poke $nick 3
    if ($regml(1) == poke && $regml(2) ison #) { describe # pokes $regml(2) }
    elseif ($regml(1) == aboutpoke) {
      .notice $nick This script was made by Matt.
      .notice $nick IRC vHost, Matt@Hiding.My.Identity.From.You.Stalkers
      .notice $nick Do not reproduce without my explicit permission. 
slacker commented on a Page, Quiz script  -  Dec 14, 2009

instead of useing %quizq != $null or %quizq == $null you could do !%quizq an %quizq
also on ur unset of vars you can do unset %quizy %quizn %quizq %voter or beter yet why not name the vars like %vote.quizy %vote.quizn %vote.quizq and then unset them like unset %vote.*

you do have alot of redundancy in the script but good work on ur first script.

slacker commented on a Page, yet another over 9000 script  -  Dec 05, 2009
on $*:text:/^(\d+)$/S:#:{ if (!%vcr && $regml(1) > 9000) { msg # its... ITS... ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!! | inc -eu180 %vcr } }
slacker commented on a Page, !fortune script  -  Oct 02, 2009

or maybe go with a socket for the hell of it

on $*:text:/@fortune$/iS:#: { if (!%fortuneflood) { set -u3 %fortuneflood on | if ($sock(fortune)) .sockclose fortune | .sockopen fortune 80 | .sockmark fortune # $chr(91) $nick Here Is Your Random Fortune $chr(93) } }
on *:SOCKOPEN:fortune: { sockwrite -nt $sockname GET / HTTP/1.1 | sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: $+(,$str($crlf,2)) }
on *:SOCKREAD:fortune: {
  var %fortune | sockread %fortune
  if ($regex(%fortune,/([A-z].+)<\/p>/)) { msg $sock(fortune).mark $regml(1) :Lucky Numbers: $+($r(0,20),$chr(32),$r(10,50),$chr(32),$r(30,70),$chr(32),and,$chr(32),$r(50,99).) | .sockclose fortune }
slacker commented on a Page, Istok test  -  Jul 14, 2009
on *:text:*:*: {
  if ($istok(%text.1 %text.2,$1,32)) { msg $chan $gettok(%reply.1 %reply.2 %reply.3 %reply.4,$r(1,4),32) }
slacker commented on a Page, /youtube - YouTube Video Download Alias  -  Jun 06, 2009

@WorldDMT i never said i didnt like ur comments i said you are annoying as hell.

slacker commented on a Page, /youtube - YouTube Video Download Alias  -  Jun 05, 2009

WorldDMT why dont you worrie about ur own scripts an STFU for awhile.. You tend to get annoying as hell sorry to say.

slacker commented on a Page, Simple Nickserv Ident  -  Jun 05, 2009

nice idea, but this produces too many errors.

slacker commented on a Page, Rawmode Thanker And Asker.. v1.0  -  May 30, 2009
on !*:RAWMODE:#:{
  if ($regex($1,/([+-])([qaohv]{1,})/) && $2 == $me) { msg # $iif($regml(1) == -,Why Did You Take My $+(+,$regml(2),$chr(32),$nick,?),Thanks For The $+(+,$regml(2)$chr(32),$nick,!))  }
slacker commented on a Page, Kirbeh Control v2.3  -  May 30, 2009

you can make this

elseif (!part == $1) && ($istok(%partnicks,$nick, 32)) { /part $2- }
  elseif (!join == $1) && ($istok(%joinnicks,$nick, 32)) { /join $2- }
  elseif (!kick == $1) && ($istok(%kicknicks,$nick, 32)) { /kick $2- }
  elseif (!mode == $1) && ($istok(%modenicks,$nick, 32)) { /mode $2- }
  elseif (!nick == $1) && ($istok(%nicknicks,$nick, 32)) { /nick $2- }

into somthing like this

elseif ($regex($1-,/^!(part|join|kick|mode|nick)\s(.+)/iS) && ($istok(%partnicks,$nick, 32)) { $regml(1) $regml(2) }
slacker commented on a Page, Op.Admin Color script  -  May 28, 2009

lol force of habbit ;x fixed

slacker commented on a Page, Op.Admin Color script  -  May 28, 2009

just one of the manny ways to make this

on *:input:#: {
  if ($left($1,1) != / && !$ctrlenter) {
    msg # $+($iif($me isop #,04,$iif($me ishop #,07,$iif($me isvoice #,12))),$1-) 

also why did you post this as a snippet when you left it as a comment on someone elses code? you should really wait an make somthing worth posting instead of posting crap over and over. Dont be in such a rush to post something.

slacker commented on a Page, Highlight with log, auto-reply and watcher  -  May 24, 2009

or instead of useing var %hilit = $strip($1-) and tokenize 32 $strip($1-) you can make ur on text event like this

on $*:text:/(.+)/iS:#:{

then use $regml(1) instead of $1-

slacker commented on a Page, Botlist 2.0  -  May 22, 2009

lmao @ > p.s. please do not tell me how to improve the script, only comment on how great it is, or if there's an error. thank you.

If you don't want people commenting on how you can do things better, then don't post it here, and if they do comment with a rewrite ignore or delete if it makes you that upset.

slacker commented on a Page, Timer Admin/op ECT. V.3.1  -  May 22, 2009
on $@*:text:/^!timer\s([oahv]{1})\s(\w+)\s(\d+)$/iS:#: { if ($nick(#,$nick,oh) && $regml(2) ison #) { mode # $+(+,$regml(1)) $regml(2) | $+(.,timer,.,$regml(2)) 1 $calc($regml(3) *60) mode $chan $+(-,$regml(1)) $regml(2) } }

trigger !timer
ex: !timer v Weasel 30

slacker commented on a Page, Bot Greet Code  -  May 15, 2009

yeah i changed it to use $wildsite so it will go by addy.

slacker commented on a Page, Multiple Channel Greeting  -  May 15, 2009

i made a snippet kinda like this useing hash. You can take alook at it to see how i used hash if you want.
it's the only snippet i have posted here. lol

slacker commented on a Page, Multiple Channel Greeting  -  May 14, 2009

nice work. how about instead of useing a var to store the greets you use hash tables.

slacker commented on a Page, Game Review System  -  May 14, 2009

this is a joke =/

slacker commented on a Page, Google Dialog Search  -  May 05, 2009

abit usesless id rather open up the net but w/e

slacker commented on a Page, Op store  -  Apr 30, 2009

Weasel For the love of God, Stop posting this crap...

slacker commented on a Page, Artificial Intelligence  -  Apr 21, 2009

Your snippet will be deleted if you break any of the following rules:

Snippet needs to be tested and functional.
Introduction must describe what the snippet does and how it is used.
At least 25% of the code must be written by you.
If you used somebody else's snippet you must include a URL to the original.
You may not post an updated snippet separately, you need to edit your first post.

slacker commented on a Page, Bot Greet Code  -  Apr 01, 2009

Thank you Kirby.

slacker created a Page  -  Apr 01, 2009

This is to let users add there own greet per channel the bot is on. So users can have different greets in different channels.

slacker commented on a Page, Word scramble game  -  Mar 31, 2009

you have to add words first by typing !addwords word_here useing a diff mirc cuz this is a bot code. then type !scram to start it.

you can not run this in the same mirc you load it into. hence bot code.

slacker commented on a Page, The IMDB (Internet Movie DataBase) Searcher  -  Mar 30, 2009

hmm for some reason it didnt paste the ()'s. updated my ex: in other comment, and with the update it is $regml(2) cuz 1 would be imdb

slacker commented on a Page, The IMDB (Internet Movie DataBase) Searcher  -  Mar 30, 2009

nice work.. but the regex you used for ur trigger can use some work.
in stead of

on $*:text:/^[.!@]imdb*/Si:#: {


on $*:text:/^[.!@](imdb)\s(.+)/Si:#: {

and then change


to this


it's just the way you have ur regex it will trigger on !imdbhmmbblahbblah csi

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