

Oct 16, 2008

Activity Stream

Patatje-oorlog liked a Page, How fast can you type A-Z?  -  Aug 03, 2009
Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, Custom Events  -  Aug 03, 2009

you could better let the script REPLACE the mIRC event text

on ^*:KICK:#: {
echo $chan $timestamp [4KICK] $upper($knick) 4( $address($knick,1) 4) 4has been kicked from the channel 4( $upper($nick) 4) $iif($1-,4( $iif($1 ison $chan, $1-, $1-) 4))

at this point the text of mIRC will be halted
some may need halt, some haltdef

Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, chr encoder  -  Aug 03, 2009

@ Atr:
I am still looking for a solution for that. I will update this script when i have the decode part done :P

@ MaSOuD:
Thx, i will add that later on (goto worked fine so i didn't bother to remake it with a while :P)

@ aitor1976]
I don't understand you lol, but i have a encoder that, if you type a number in the input field, the binairy code of this number will be outputted, i can post this script also if you wan't? xD

Patatje-oorlog created a Page  -  Jul 30, 2009

This snippet turns the input in a $chr string

Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, $money  -  Jan 17, 2009

Very Nice Script

Keep up the work

Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, Script fore my friends  -  Oct 26, 2008


Helemaal leuk XD

Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, Duration NL  -  Oct 17, 2008

I tried, but it didn't work for me :)

And my version works also perfect.. if i want, i can edit months / years either ;)

Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, Duration NL  -  Oct 16, 2008

will do that mountain :)

Gona test it and after that i will edit it here ;)


Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, NL Love-Meter Systeem  -  Oct 16, 2008

I am working on a poll script

Patat-poll v9.0 beta
THis includes a language pack

The main language is Dutch and you can set it to english and german :)
You will see that in the future :)

Patatje-oorlog liked a Page, NL Love-Meter Systeem  -  Oct 16, 2008
Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, NL Love-Meter Systeem  -  Oct 16, 2008


here is my dutch version of the love-meter
This include some extra commands like:

  • !helplove
  • !resetlove (to reset the love-game)
    This system could use any1 with mirc
    Wan't to use it yourself? Put it into a mirc bot :)
    Good luck with it
Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, NL Love-Meter Systeem  -  Oct 16, 2008

Leuk script maar let op de spelling etc...

Ook moet je rekening houden met de kanalen waarin het botje werkt. Kijk maar is goed :)

Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, Rekenmachine / Calculator  -  Oct 16, 2008

The tab is because I am making a Valuta calc program which I am going to add later on :)

Patatje-oorlog created a Page  -  Oct 16, 2008

This script is a calculator with a nice dialog.

  1 Thread   mIRC  
Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, Duration NL  -  Oct 16, 2008

Not really true...

Is has indeed the same effect as the $duration alias, but this script is Dutch.
Because i and some other people we're looking for it, and because we couldn't find one, i decided to make 1 my own ;)

the alias $duration doesn't work here. this will give the original mirc english duration
the alias $duratie does ;)

Patatje-oorlog created a Page  -  Oct 16, 2008

Dit script werkt hetzelfde als het in mirc ingebouwde $duration(12345) script... Het enige verschil is dat dit een door mij gemaakte nederlandse versie ervan is! Je typt gewoon in je script $duratie(12345) in en je hebt het effect alleen dan dus nl. Helemaal toppie voor bijvoorbeeld een nederlands away-systeem!!! :D Dit script hoort thuis in je ALIASES!

Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, IRC Bot v2.0 ( Clean )  -  Oct 16, 2008

Forgot this little buggie :)

If ($strip($1) == +s { auser shit $2 | msg $chan 14,1 you pissed off $nick
on this line you forgot 1 ) It won't work now i Suppose

Have it like this
If ($strip($1) == +s) { auser shit $2 | msg $chan 14,1 you pissed off $nick

Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, Kick, Ban and Kick-Ban counter  -  Oct 16, 2008

With the 'inc' command you don't have to specify how many steps you want to raise the variable.

If the number is not givin it will standart increase the var with 1 ;)

inc %kc 1 -> inc %kc

$me $+ 's would give this -> Patatje-oorlog's connected together :)

But it both works :)
Nice script Thought

Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, mIRC Cool Tool v1.0  -  Oct 16, 2008

Also in a group you need to close it with groupname end

in your script -> #mirc end

You have #mirc off

Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, mIRC Cool Tool v1.0  -  Oct 16, 2008

on 1:DIALOG:mIRCTl/u:sclick:*:{
if ($did == 14) { /clear | .disable #MIRC | echo 3 You have locked 12m4IR8C12C00L 14Tool }
if ($did == 15) { /clear | .enable #MIRC | echo 3
You have unlocked 12m4IR8C12C00L 14Tool }

This code is shorter... and now it DOES enable #mirc and disable #mirc

Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, mIRC Away  -  Oct 16, 2008

It could be smaller like this:

on 1:dialog:away:init:0: {
did -a $dname 3 %away.extension
did -a $dname 4 %away.msg
on 1:dialog:away:edit::{
if ($did == 3) { set %away.extension $did($dname,3) }
if ($did == 4) { set %away.msg $did($dname,4) }
on 1:dialog:away:sclick:
: {
if ($did == 5) { afk %away.msg }
if ($did == 6) { back }

Good job :)

Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, ircop, oper, admin, op, dialog irc full  -  Oct 16, 2008

The only thing to aprove is the following:

on *:DIALOG:IRCOP2:sclick:3:{ /dialog -m Sdialog Sdialog | dialog -k IRCOP2 IRCOP2 }

You can change the diaog names into $dname what makes it less work if you want to change te dialog name

Patatje-oorlog commented on a Page, IRC Bot v2.0 ( Clean )  -  Oct 16, 2008

If ($strip($1) == mop) mode $chan -o $nick

in this rule you need to add a - for 'mop' -> '-mop'
Little buggie

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