

May 20, 2008

Activity Stream

Slickone liked a Page, Whois tracker with IP locator  -  Feb 14, 2011
Slickone commented on a Page, Whois tracker with IP locator  -  Feb 14, 2011

really nice job Scakk 10/10 +like
Don't worrie about people like that. People like them are nothing more then self absorbed egotistical morons.
To the rest of us reading their comments just remember their comments.."Are a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
again really good job on this sippet.

Slickone commented on a Page, kill PM  -  Dec 21, 2010

i bet with you, than im older than u
Teen if you are older then me, and you are using the nick Teen... Then it would make you look like a pedofile. I don't know anyone that is in their 30's that would ever try to use the nick Teen.

You have proven time an time again that you are an arrogant child, or at the very lest
you act like one.
To bad that you can't seem to get along with people. That must make yor real life crappy.
What I find funny is most of the actve users on this site seem to agree with me about you. So it's not just me, that means it's you that has a problem.
Like I said before why wont you even try to get along with people.

I have to say sorry to macs-rock that this was done in their snippet. Again apologies macs-rock.

Slickone commented on a Page, kill PM  -  Dec 21, 2010

sigh... See there you go getting all defencive.
An no I am not part of any crew or conspiracy.
I am just a member of this site, that is sick of seeing it get twisted with people that think they are better then others when they are clearly not.

Like I said why don't you grow up some. Stop being an ahole to everyone, and maybe we can all get along.

You sir are no better nore no worse then any other msl coder here.

Just because someone calls you out on your behavior does not mean they are in any crew as
you put it. Most of the users here are sick of seeing this site getting pulled down by users like you.

All I am saying is get along with people, and it will make your time, as well as others a lot nicer here.
In all honestly you act like a 5 year old, and if you are 5 then sorry, but it is the truth.
It is like you are paranoid. Thinking people are in some kind of conspiracy or crew out to get you.
If that is the case then maybe you should seek some professional help for your well being.

Slickone commented on a Page, kill PM  -  Dec 21, 2010

Teen why do you try an pick fights with other members on this site?
You seem to do this a lot. All you are doing is making yourself look like an ahole
to others, as well making other members want nothing to do with the site.
Do you really think you are being funny when you do that? Honestly do you?
Kinda sad to be honest. Why don't you grow up some.. Really try it. It may
make you a person others would like to be around.

Alas this comment may be lost on you, as you tend just to get all defencive
whenever someone says anything to you. Remember im not fighting with you, im just
stating what others as well as I have noticed.

Slickone commented on a Page, quote socket  -  Nov 23, 2010

nice work on your first go at a socket blackvenomm666.

Slickone commented on a Page, Order  -  Oct 29, 2010

maybe add some flood pros an name ur timers
just one of many ways to go about it...

on *:text:!order *:#:{
  tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
  if (!$timer(order2) && $$2) {
    inc %orders
    var %ordernum = waitress arrives and serves a round of $2- .$&
      waiter arrives and slips unluckily so that all of the $2- covers the floor $+ $chr(44) to bad $nick
    describe # sees $nick orders a round of $2-
    .timerorder 1 3 describe # sees: The $gettok(%ordernum,$r(1,2),46)   
    .timerorder2 1 5 msg # That was order number: %orders
Slickone commented on a Page, NFL NHL NBA and MLB scores  -  Apr 12, 2010

StonaJakey the reason i see that the .nhl one didn't work is because there is no scores on that site yet for it.

this is from the source page for nhl

<rss version="0.91"> 

<title>NHL Scores</title> 
<description>NHL Scores</description> 
 <title>NHL Scores</title> 
Slickone commented on a Page, Currency converter  -  Mar 26, 2010

um just another way of making it using sockmark
i know it an be made better but w/e

on $*:text:/^@Currency/iS:#:{ 
  if (!$hget(Currency,sets)) { 
    if ($2 isnum && $istok($hget(Currency,sets),$3,32) && $istok($hget(Currency,sets),$4,32) && !$5) { 
      if ($sock(Currency)) sockclose Currency
      sockopen Currency 80
      sockmark Currency $+(/ucc/convert.cgi?Amount=,$2,&From=,$3,&To=,$4) msg #
    else { msg # $iif($2 !isnum || $5,Syntax: @currency amount from to EX: @currency 2 usd aud,please enter Currencys: $hget(Currency,sets)) }
on *:sockopen:Currency: {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock(Currency).mark,1,32) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: $+(,$str($crlf,2))
on *:sockread:Currency: {
  var %Currency | sockread %Currency
  if ($regex(%Currency,/<tr><td width=.+right.+>(.+)<.+WARNING:.+><\/h2><\/td>/)) { .hadd -mu4 Currency say $regml(1) }
  if ($regex(%Currency,/<td width=.+left.+>(.+)<.+WARNING:.+><\/h2><\/td>/)) { $gettok($sock(Currency).mark,2-,32) $hget(Currency,say) = $regml(1) | sockclose Currency }
Slickone commented on a Page, Bot Percentage commands  -  Mar 05, 2010

why not just

on $*:TEXT:/^!(cmds|evil|gay|sexy|retard|fat|n00b|smart|jealous|love)/iS:#:{
  if ($regml(1) == cmds) { msg $nick Commands are the following: !evil !gay !sexy !retard !fat !smart !n00b !jealous !love }
  else { msg # 4,1 $iif($2,$2,$nick) is $+($r(0,100),%) $regml(1) $iif($regml(1) == jealous || $regml(1) == love,of $iif($3,$3,Them Self)) }
Slickone commented on a Page, banall command  -  Mar 02, 2010

maybe have it make sure you don't ban yourself

alias banall {
  var %a = $nick(#,0)
  while (%a) {
    if ($nick(#,%a) != $me) ban -k # $v1 Banall
    dec %a
Slickone commented on a Page, commands  -  Jan 04, 2010

no need for the if $me line as well no need for the $remove.
here is the same as ur's without the $me !isop line and the $remove

on $@*:TEXT:/!(op|deop|protect|deprotect|halfop|dehalfop|voice|devoice|join|part)/iS:#:{
$iif($istok(join part,$regml(1),32),$regml(1) $2,.cs $regml(1) # $2) }
Slickone commented on a Page, Punch someone  -  Jun 26, 2009

good job on ur first script
you should add abit of flood protection to it an as well as adding some color stripping.
cuz if someone tried to use it useing color text it wont work. i know you are new to making scripts, but read up in the help file /help $iif /help $strip an also silence the timers by placing a " . " in front of them like .timer as well as naming the timers.

I hope you dont mind but i came up with somthing like this. only as an example

on $*:text:/^'punch\s(\w+)/iS:#:{
  if (!%flood.punch) {
    set -u5 %flood.punch $nick
    if ($regml(1) != $me && $regml(1) ison #) {
      describe # swings to punch $regml(1)
      .timer.punch.1 1 2 describe # just punched $+($regml(1),!)
      .timer.punch.2 1 4 msg # you got knocked out in one bat! FAIL!
    else { msg # $iif($regml(1) == $me,you cannot make me punch my self,$regml(1) is not in the room) }

im in no way saying to make it like this at all, nore do i expect you to know how to. im just showing one of many ways to make somthing like this..

Slickone commented on a Page, HellHound/Bot Pack 1  -  Jun 19, 2009

for all them talkers an on inputs you can do somthing like this

#talker on
on *:input:#:{
  if (!$istok(/.!,$left($1,1),46)) { 
    if ($group(#Screamer) = on) { msg $active $Screamer($1-) }
    elseif ($group(#HellTalker) = on) { msg $active $HellTalker($1-) }
    elseif ($group(#Wahoo) = on) { msg $active $Wahoo($1-) }
    elseif ($group(#DefCon) = on) { msg $active $DefCon($1-) }
#talker end
#Screamer off
alias -l Screamer { return 15,01..:::4,1 $1- 15,01:::.. }
#Screamer end
#HellTalker off
alias -l HellTalker { return 14,01.15,01.00,01:15,01:14,01:06,01 $+ $1- $+ 14,01:15,01:0,1:15,1.14,1. }
#HellTalker end
#Wahoo off
alias -l Wahoo { return 14,01.15,01.00,01:15,01:14,01:4,1(6,1(7,1(8,1(9,1(06,01 $+ $1- $+ 9,1)8,1)7,1)6,1)4,1)14,01:15,01:0,1:15,1.14,1. }
#Wahoo end
#DefCon on
alias -l DefCon { return 4,1°7,1Ø6,1±7,1Ø4,1°14,1«15,1«0,1 $+ $1- $+ 15,1»14,1»4,1°7,1Ø6,1±7,1Ø4,1° }
#DefCon end
menu channel,menubar {
  .Trun Main Power To Talker $iif($group(#talker) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#talker) = on,.disable,.enable) #talker | msg # I have $iif($group(#talker) = on,Enable,Disable) Power To Main Talker  }
  .Turn Screamer $iif($group(#Screamer) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#Screamer) = on,.disable,.enable) #Screamer | msg # I have $iif($group(#Screamer) = on,Enable,Disable) my Screamer Talker. | .disable #HellTalker #Wahoo #DefCon }
  .Turn HellTalker $iif($group(#HellTalker) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#HellTalker) = on,.disable,.enable) #HellTalker | msg # I have $iif($group(#HellTalker) = on,Enable,Disable) my HellTalker Talker. | .disable #Screamer #Wahoo #DefCon }
  .Turn Wahoo $iif($group(#Wahoo) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#Wahoo) = on,.disable,.enable) #Wahoo | msg # I have $iif($group(#Wahoo) = on,Enable,Disable) my Wahoo Talker. | .disable #Screamer #HellTalker #DefCon }
  .Turn DefCon $iif($group(#DefCon) = on,Off,On):{ $iif($group(#DefCon) = on,.disable,.enable) #DefCon | msg # I have $iif($group(#DefCon) = on,Enable,Disable) my DefCon Talker. | .disable #Screamer #HellTalker #Wahoo }
Slickone commented on a Page, patxbot  -  Jun 13, 2009

yeah go ahead also i got help on that from napa182

Slickone commented on a Page, patxbot  -  Jun 13, 2009

maybe do

on *:disconnect:{ .hsave learn $qt($scriptdirlearn.hsh) } 
on *:exit:{ .hsave learn $qt($scriptdirlearn.hsh) }
on *:start:{ if (!$hget(learn)) { .hmake learn 100 | .hload learn $qt($scriptdirlearn.hsh) } }
on *:load:{ if (!$hget(learn)) { .hmake learn 100 | .hload learn $qt($scriptdirlearn.hsh) } }
on $*:text:/^~(learn|forget|factoid)\s(\w+)\s?(\w.+)?/iS:#: { 
  if (!$($+(%,factoidflood,$nick),2)) {
    set -u3 $+(%,factoidflood,$nick) on
    if ($regml(1) == learn && $regml(3) && !$hget(learn,$regml(2))) { hadd -m learn $regml(2) $regml(3) | msg # the factoid has been saved. } 
    if ($regml(1) == forget && $hget(learn,$regml(2))) { hdel learn $regml(2) | msg # the factoid $regml(2) has been deleted. } 
    if ($regml(1) == factoid && $hget(learn,$regml(2))) { msg # $hget(learn,$regml(2)) }  
Slickone commented on a Page, Rating system  -  Jun 01, 2009

no need for 3 on text events. no need inc %pnts need check for nick on !rating !unrate you go in negs need check do just

on $*:text:/^(!(un)?rate(ing)?)\s?(\w+)?$/iS:#: {
  if ($regml(1) == !rate && $regml(2)) { .notice $nick $iif($regml(2) != $nick,$regml(2) has been rated,you cant rate yourself) | $iif($regml(2) != $nick,writeini rate.ini $regml(2) points $calc($readini(rate.ini,$regml(2),points) +1)) }
  elseif ($regml(1) == !rateing) { .notice $nick $iif(!$regml(3),$nick has $iif(!$readini(rate.ini,$nick,points),0,$readini(rate.ini,$nick,points)),$regml(3) has $iif(!$readini(rate.ini,$regml(3),points),0,$readini(rate.ini,$regml(3),points))) points. }
  elseif ($regml(1) == !unrate && $regml(3)) { .notice $nick $iif($readini(rate.ini,$regml(3),points) == 0,you cant take what they dont have,$regml(3) has had 1 Rating point removed) | $iif($readini(rate.ini,$regml(3),points) != 0,writeini rate.ini $regml(3) points $calc($readini(rate.ini,$regml(3),points) -1)) }
Slickone commented on a Page, Max's Botserv Dialog  -  May 09, 2009

instead of useing BChannels.ini for the channels just use a var ex: %BChannels #chan1,#chan2,#chan3 also after that get rid of that ChannelBox alias then use this on the init event

didtok $dname 6 44 %BChannels

/help /didtok

Slickone commented on a Page, Lyrics Finder  -  Apr 30, 2009

The coding is abit mediocre but nice work. 4/10

Slickone commented on a Page, Deathclock  -  Mar 26, 2009

you should look over the code again.

if ($3 isnum) { set %dc.month $3 }
      elseif ($4 !isnum) { msg # month has to be a number. | halt }

on the elseif line you used $4 instead of $3

on the output you could make it like this

on *:sockread:deathclock: {
  var %sockread | sockread %sockread
  if ($regex(%sockread,/&nbsp;<b>(.+)<\/b>/g)) { msg %dc.targ Your Personal Day of Death is... $remove($regml(1),&nbsp;) | unset %dc.* }

anyways nice work

Slickone commented on a Page, Commands Script (v7.5)  -  Mar 14, 2009

sorry to say that this is coded horribly, but il be nice and give it a score of 3/10 for effort.

Slickone commented on a Page, µTorrent WebUI mIRC Addon  -  Dec 12, 2008

nice work.

Slickone liked a Page, Gas Price finder  -  Nov 22, 2008
Slickone liked a Page, Top News Bot code   -  Nov 22, 2008
Slickone liked a Page, The Inevitable Half Alias [Collaborative]  -  Aug 20, 2008
Slickone liked a Page, Whois Hitlist  -  Aug 17, 2008
Slickone liked a Page, P2P log message   -  Aug 16, 2008
Slickone liked a Page, Simple Coin Toss !UPDATED!  -  Aug 15, 2008
Slickone liked a Page, Simple op - voice modes For A bot  -  Aug 14, 2008
Slickone liked a Page, Away Dialog  -  Aug 14, 2008
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