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napa182 commented on a Comment, Simple away snippet  -  Aug 29, 2013
napa182 commented on a Comment, Curse Word Dialog  -  Mar 19, 2013
napa182 commented on a Comment, here  -  Mar 03, 2013
napa182 commented on a Comment, Facts script  -  Mar 03, 2013
napa182 commented on a Page, Repeat Kick: Version 1  -  Mar 03, 2013

you would be better off using hash instead of vars, but to each their own.

napa182 commented on a Comment, Ultimate Bot Auto Voice Script  -  Jan 13, 2013
napa182 commented on a Page, Ultimate Bot Auto Voice Script  -  Jan 13, 2013

kinda a global var nightmare

napa182 commented on a Page, Avoid a slap :p  -  Nov 15, 2012

you should add some sort of flood protection to this or you can be flooded out.
Also you have an extra closing bracket.

napa182 commented on a Page, Daffy IRC bot (mSL)  -  Nov 15, 2012

Plornt they are not really identifiers the are more like triggers.
Lego the snippet is kind of redundant. You should cut out the redundancy an make it more efficient. Keep at it...

napa182 commented on a Page, Xbox Live Gamer-Tag Look-Up Socket  -  Nov 06, 2012

The last xbox live update had screwed a lot of things up besides the dashboard. seems it screwed the site to look-up as well so here is a fast fix using a different site.

copy/paste into a new remote of your bot. trigger is @xbox

@xbox markmywords ns <&Sick0> Last seen 4 hours ago playing Trials Evolution <&Sick0> Online Status: Offline || Xbox Membership: Gold || Zone: Recreation || Country: United States
@xbox rising son 13 <&Sick0> Last seen 10/31/2012 playing Modern Warfare® 3 <&Sick0> Online Status: Offline || Xbox Membership: Gold || Zone: Underground || Country: United States @xbox llxNYXxll <&Sick0> Last seen 15 hours ago playing Modern Warfare® 3 <&Sick0> Online Status: Offline || Xbox Membership: Gold || Zone: Recreation || Country: Australia @xbox StealthyPeer <&Sick0> Online Status: Offline || Xbox Membership: Silver/Free || Zone: Underground || Country: United Kingdom ``` on $*:text:/^@xbox\s(.+)/iS:#: { if (!%f) { inc -u3 %f if ($sock(xbox)) sockclose xbox sockopen xbox 80 sockmark xbox $+(/search/,$replace($regml(1),$chr(32),$+($chr(45)))/) $& msg # } } on *:sockopen:xbox: { sockwrite -nt xbox GET $gettok($sock(xbox).mark,1,32) HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -nt xbox Host: $+($sock(xbox).addr,$str($crlf,2)) } on *:load: { echo 12 -a You Have Just Loaded Napa182's Xbox Live Look-up Socket echo 07 -a A Production } on *:sockread:xbox: { var %xbox | sockread %xbox if ($regex(%xbox,/

(.+)<\/p>/)) { $gettok($sock(xbox).mark,2-,32) $regml(1) } if ($regex(%xbox,/

(Online Status:.+)<\/p>/)) { $gettok($sock(xbox).mark,2-,32) $regsubex($regml(1),/<[^>]*>/g,$chr(32)) } } ```

napa182 commented on a Page, Powerlevel Script(Updated)  -  Sep 10, 2012

maybe add apond the set var to use it as a flood pro as well as using maybe the $iff
You should have added to this before you posted it tbh...

on *$:TEXT:/^!powerlevel$/iS:#:{
  if (!%powerlevel) { set -u5 %powerlevel $r(0,10000)
    msg # $iif(%powerlevel > 9000,12it's... It's... It's Over 9000!!!,$nick 12has a powerlevel of 4 %powerlevel 12!!)
napa182 commented on a Page, On join entrymsg PM  -  Sep 10, 2012


napa182 commented on a Page, Fun Tweets  -  Sep 10, 2012

No eggdrop. you can either copy an paste this in ur own mirc or a bot's remote.

napa182 commented on a Page, Random Riddle an Solution  -  Aug 18, 2012

This socket still works fine on my end. I don't know why it is doing what you are saying it is doing on yours.

<~napa182> @riddle
<&Sick0> :[Riddle]: What travels the world but stays in a corner? :[Solution in 10 seconds]:
<&Sick0> :[Solution]: 'A stamp.'

<~napa182> @riddle
<&Sick0> :[Riddle]: Is it legal to bury a man living in Mexico across the border in the United States? :[Solution in 10 seconds]:
<&Sick0> :[Solution]: 'The last time we checked, it was not legal to bury a living man under any circumstances!'

<~napa182> @riddle
<&Sick0> :[Riddle]: A man has 9 children. Half of them are boys. How is this possible? :[Solution in 10 seconds]:
<&Sick0> :[Solution]: 'They are all boys.'

napa182 commented on a Page, Facts script  -  Aug 16, 2012

here is a fast socket using the facts you have posted. I used to socket to as it does not go down all that often.
anyways this is just a fast mock up of a working example nothing more..
I hope this can help you in learning sockets or get a better idea about them at the lest.
as always keep coding in msl ;x

on $*:text:/^@facts$/iS:#: {
  if (!$hget(f,f)) {
    if ($sock(fac)) sockclose fac
    sockopen fac 80
    sockmark fac $r(1,100) msg # 11,1WTFact $chr(35)
on *:sockopen:fac: {
  sockwrite -nt fac GET /RecUZJge HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt fac Host: $+($sock(fac).addr,$str($crlf,2))
on *:sockread:fac: {
  var %fac | sockread %fac
  if ($regex(%fac,/<div class="de\d">(.+)<\/div>/)) {  
    hinc -mu5 f f 1 
    if ($hget(f,f) = $gettok($sock(fac).mark,1,32)) { 
      $+($gettok($sock(fac).mark,2-,32),$hget(f,f),15,$chr(44),1) $+(",$remove($regml(1),&nbsp;,&quot;),") 
      sockclose fac


<~napa182> @facts
<~Sick0> WTFact #18 "Human thighbones are stronger than concrete. "
<~napa182> @facts
<~Sick0> WTFact #34 "The human brain cannot create faces. Therefore when you dream, if you see someone you do not know, you have seen their face before. "

napa182 commented on a Page, Facts script  -  Aug 15, 2012

would have been better if it was a socket tbh, but to each their own I guess.....


What do you mean by first? This is more like them old add/remove/say quote snippets from years back. Anyways nice work an keep at it and you will get sockets down so you can use them in anyway you want..

napa182 commented on a Page, Script Help System By JeSTeR  -  May 24, 2012

why do you have two on sockopen events? an ur last else line is all edited out, you may as well remove it or put it as an on load event.

napa182 commented on a Page, Greetings Script  -  May 19, 2012

It let's you greet people easily.
um not really when you have to scroll looking for a greet. =/

napa182 commented on a Page, Epic Slap Script Part 2  -  May 19, 2012

heres a fun one I made long ago just a slap with a random item socket. idk maybe someone can take away a diff way to do these rather then using a txt ini or hash file. anyways keep at it..

  • ~napa182 slaps Death around a bit with some Brickhouse Soaps
  • ~napa182 slaps Sick0 around a bit with some Leco Butter + Margarine
  • ~napa182 slaps Death around a bit with some Ecolab Multipurpose Cleaner Kit
menu nicklist {
  Slap $+([,$$1,]) {
    if ($sock(item2)) sockclose item2
    sockopen item2 80
    sockmark item2 describe # slaps $1 around a bit with some
on *:load:{
  echo 07 -a You Have Just Loaded Napa182's Slap With A Random Item
  echo 04 -a An Production
on *:sockopen:item2: {
  sockwrite -nt item2 GET /main.php/random?g2_albumId= HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt item2 Host: $+($sock(item2).addr,$str($crlf,2))
on *:sockread:item2: {
  var %item2 | sockread %item2
  if ($regex(%item2,/^Album:(.+?)\50/)) {
    $sock(item2).mark $replace($regml(1),&amp;,&,&quot;,")
    sockclose item2
napa182 is now following sKIRc  -  May 19, 2012
napa182 is now following H0LLYWOOD  -  May 19, 2012
napa182 is now following Wade  -  May 19, 2012
napa182 is now following gamewar  -  May 19, 2012
napa182 is now following worldwide7477  -  May 19, 2012
napa182 is now following sagargulati  -  May 19, 2012
napa182 commented on a Page, Curse Word Dialog  -  May 19, 2012

tbh I really don't know how is set up as i never been there. So you may have to edit it to ur needs.
Good luck.

napa182 commented on a Page, Movie setnow and setnext  -  May 16, 2012

um a small/fast edit to include a timer an i took out that you can't do that message as it is annoying, an i made it say if nothing is set for !now or !next it will now say Nothing set.
As for the timer you will have to put in the amount of seconds for it to change example !swap 30 for 30 seconds an !swap 3600 for an hour

on $*:TEXT:/^!(setn(ow|ext)|swap)\s(.+)$|^!(now|next)$/iS:#:{ 
  if ($nick = $remove(#,$chr(35))) { 
    if ($regml(1) = swap && $regml(2) isnum) { 
      .timermovie1 1 $regml(2) set $+(%,now.,#) $($+(%,next.,#),2) 
      .timermovie2 1 $calc($regml(2) + 1) unset $+(%,next.,#)
      msg # movie in next will swap to now in $regml(2) seconds
    if ($regml(3)) {
      set $+(%,$iif($regml(1) = setnow,now,next),.,#) $regml(3) 
      msg # $iif($regml(1) = setnow,now,next) playing set to: $regml(3) 
  if ($istok(now|next,$regml(1),124) && !%f) { inc -u5 %f
    msg # $iif($($+(%,$regml(1),.,#),2),$v1,Nothing set)
napa182 commented on a Page, Movie setnow and setnext  -  May 16, 2012

Maybe make it all under one text event, and add a flood pro to the !now an !next trigger so others don't flood the room with it.
Been awhile in coding msl but maybe something like this..

on $*:TEXT:/^!(setn(ow|ext))\s(.+)|^!(now|next)/iS:#:{ 
  if ($regml(3)) {
    if ($nick = $remove(#,$chr(35))) {
      set $+(%,$iif($regml(1) = setnow,now,next),.,#) $regml(3) 
      msg # $iif($regml(1) = setnow,now,next) playing set to: $regml(3) 
    else { msg # You can't do that. You aren't allowed. }
  if ($istok(now|next,$regml(1),124) && !%f) { inc -u5 %f
    msg # $($+(%,$regml(1),.,#),2)
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