

Jun 08, 2012

Activity Stream

baloe12nl commented on a Page, Nick Blacklist Script  -  Feb 12, 2014

Can the nick login with a diferend nickname?
Is't it bhetter to youse the mask of the nick?

baloe12nl created a Page  -  Feb 08, 2014

my trivia game with a random topic. it is in dutch

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baloe12nl commented on a Page, Make your bot Talk  -  Dec 24, 2013

J youse this code for my chatterbot.

On *:load: {
  /echo 5 -ag Loaded chatterbot script $+(v,1.0) $+ ! By Baloe12nl.
  if ( !$readini( scripts/kletsen.ini, Hallo, antw1 ) ) {
    /writeini scripts/kletsen.ini Hallo antw1 Hai to you to
  if ( %timerkls == $null ) { /set %timerkls 0 | /echo 5 -ag timerkls is loaded and set to 0. }
  if ( %antkls == $null ) { /set %antkls 1 | /echo 5 -ag antls is loaded and set to 1. }
  if ( %antkls.rand == $null ) { /set %antkls.rand 1 | /echo 5 -ag antkls.rand is loaded and set to 1. }
  /echo 5 -ag to use, type: !talk < on / off / disable >

on *:TEXT:*talk*:*: {
  if ($1 == !talk) {
    if ($2 == on) { /enable #talks | /disable #Ctalks | /msg $chan 5De Talk Mode Is on, | set %st.talks on | set %last.used.command talks on | set %last.persons1 $nick | halt }
    if ($2 == off) { /disable #talks | /enable #Ctalks | /msg $chan 5De Talk Mode Is off. | unset %st.talks | set %last.used.command talks off | set %last.persons1 $nick | halt }
    if ($2 == disable) { /disable #talks | /disable #Ctalks | /msg $chan 5De Talk Mode Is off. | /msg $chan 5De teatch Mode Is off. | unset %st.talks | set %last.used.command talks off | set %last.persons1 $nick | halt }
    if ($2 == help) { /notice $nick 5< 10!talk on 5> zet de chatterbot op speake mode | /notice $nick 5< 10!talk off 5> Zet de speake mode of en de learn mode aan. | /notice $nick 5< 10!talk disable 5> Zet de learn en speake mode beide off. | /notice $nick 5< 10!talk help 5> Geeft hulp bij de chatterbot comando's. }
    else { /notice $nick 5Incorrect command usage: !talk <on/off/disable/help> | halt }
  else { /halt }

; Here the read part and awnser on the chat
; Hier het gedeelte dat leest en antwoord op de chat

#talks off

on *:text:*:#: {
  /set %antkls.rand $rand(1, [ %nr ] )
  if ( $readini(scripts/kletsen.ini, $1 $+ $2 $+ $3 $+ $4, antw $+ 1 ) == $null ) { /halt }
  if ( $readini(scripts/kletsen.ini, $1 $+ $2 $+ $3 $+ $4, antw $+ %antkls.rand ) == $null ) { /dec %antkls.rand 1 | goto 1 }
  else { /msg # $readini(scripts/kletsen.ini, $1 $+ $2 $+ $3 $+ $4, antw $+ %antkls.rand ) }

#talks end

; Here the write part to ini
; hier gedeelte dat het moet schrijven naar ini

#Ctalks on

on *:text:*:#: {
  if ( %timerkls <= 0) { /set %nick $nick | /set %nick1 $1 $+ $2 $+ $3 $+ $4 | /set %timerkls 360 | /dec -c %timerkls 1 | /halt }
  if ( %timerkls >= 1 ) { 
    if ( $nick == %nick ) /halt
    if ( $nick == chatbot ) /halt ;Hier de naam van je chatbot op <chatbot> ; Here the name of your Bot on < chatbot >
    else {
      /set %antkls 1
      /set %timerkls 0
      if ( $readini( scripts/kletsen.ini, %nick1 $+ , antw $+ %antkls ) != $null ) { 
        if ( $1- isin $readini( scripts/kletsen.ini, %nick1 $+ , antw $+ %antkls ) ) {
          /set %timerkls 0 
          /unset %nick
        if ( %antkls > %nr ) /set %nr %antkls
        if ( $readini( scripts/kletsen.ini, %nick1 $+ , antw $+ %antkls ) != $null ) { 
          /inc %antkls 1
          goto 2
        else { 
          /writeini -n scripts/kletsen.ini %nick1 antw $+ %antkls $1- 
          /set %timerkls 0 
          /unset %nick
          ;          /save scripts/kletsen.ini
          /load -rs scripts/kletsen.ini
      else { 
        /writeini -n scripts/kletsen.ini %nick1 antw $+ %antkls $1- 
        /set %timerkls 0 
        /unset %nick
        ;       /save scripts/kletsen.ini
        /load -rs scripts/kletsen.ini

#Ctalks end
baloe12nl commented on a Comment, Script Deleted  -  Dec 24, 2013
baloe12nl commented on a Comment, Auto OP  -  Dec 22, 2013
baloe12nl commented on a Page, !gun fun trigger   -  Jan 16, 2013

THX for all the comment. J hope you like it all

baloe12nl commented on a Page, FAQ ( frequently asked question )  -  Jan 06, 2013

I'f update the code this 1 is bether.

baloe12nl created a Page  -  Nov 29, 2012
1 765 

A fun triger I made Now you cane shoot some one Tray too shoot your self and see ;)

baloe12nl is now following DFSFOT  -  Nov 28, 2012
baloe12nl created a Page  -  Nov 26, 2012
1 274 

In the platform game which I play ( torpia) there are sometimes people who has questions concerning the game to help them I'f made the FAQ snippet. I did not finde 1 i like You can use a ON:TEXT: 1, but the question need to by exact. Now it don't. He now checked simply the words of the question and catch the question from text file with the moste words. He can be off some times, but get it for moste..

  1 Thread   mIRC  
baloe12nl commented on a Page, random welkoms massage on join  -  Sep 14, 2012

THX You all for the comments and help.

baloe12nl commented on a Page, random welkoms massage on join  -  Sep 12, 2012

I do like your advice. there for i put it down.
I test it the way You disgribet it to me. but it wil not work.
test it your self how i'f done it.

chat4all : #testOL

baloe12nl commented on a Page, random welkoms massage on join  -  Sep 12, 2012


baloe12nl commented on a Page, random welkoms massage on join  -  Sep 12, 2012

thx all for the sugestions.
I was thinking of a text file, but it was more work fore me to make 1 then to do it this way.

@Sorasyn : I've tested it and debugd it. It works. and no bracket appears to be random. I even checked the code after posting it on Hawkee.

baloe12nl created a Page  -  Sep 11, 2012

I saw that someone had written a welcome message. therefore i put 1 downe that i use

baloe12nl commented on a Page, Warn System  -  Jul 14, 2012

I have a sugestion:

add this to the code

;------------->>  Variable Version

on *:join:#: {
  if ( $nick == %WarnLevel. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) {
    if ( %WarnLevel. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 5 ) .notice $nick $nick you have %WarnLevel. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] warns now | .notice $nick your warn level must be less than 10.
    else .notice $nick $nick you have %WarnLevel. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Warn(s).
  else (%WarnLevel. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) .notice $nick you have 0 Warn(s).

;------------->> INI File Version

on *:join:#: {
  if ( $nick == $readini(Warns.ini,n,Warns,$nick) ) {
    if ( $readini(Warns.ini,n,Warns,$nick) >= 5 ) .notice $nick $nick you have $readini(Warns.ini,n,Warns,$nick) warns now | .notice $nick your warn level must be less than 10.
    else .notice $nick $nick you have $readini(Warns.ini,n,Warns,$nick) Warn(s).
  else ( $readini(Warns.ini,n,Warns,$nick) == $null) .notice $nick you have 0 Warn(s).

THis way the people know hawe many warning points they have, ore not.

baloe12nl created a Page  -  Jun 25, 2012
baloe12nl commented on a Page, Give  -  Jun 15, 2012


on 5:TEXT:!example*:#: /msg # give ats.

will this work?

baloe12nl commented on a Page, !hug  -  Jun 14, 2012

I have no Idea how that's done. I'm new her and i'm stil learning about mIRC code scripting.

Ask him?

baloe12nl liked a Page, FWS V2  -  Jun 14, 2012
baloe12nl commented on a Page, FWS V2  -  Jun 14, 2012

you have a small problem with your script. elseif ($strip($2) == LOVE) { inc %winc | LoveWale # } It's the same as the WIN.

    elseif ($strip($2) == HEART) { inc %heartc | HeartWale # }
    elseif ($strip($2) == LOVE) { inc %winc | LoveWale # }
    elseif ($strip($2) == WiN) { inc %winc | WinWale # }
    elseif ($strip($2) == FAiL) { inc %failc | FailWale # }

I'f change it to elseif ($strip($2) == LOVE) { inc %lovec | LoveWale # }

    elseif ($strip($2) == HEART) { inc %heartc | HeartWale # }
    elseif ($strip($2) == LOVE) { inc %lovec | LoveWale # }
    elseif ($strip($2) == WiN) { inc %winc | WinWale # }
    elseif ($strip($2) == FAiL) { inc %failc | FailWale # }

change: notice $nick all together = $iif(%allcc,$v1,0) time(s) to notice $nick all together = $iif(%allc,$v1,0) time(s) else it wil not count the "all"

For the rest THX, after translation to duch I had fune white it. Now some color.....;)

baloe12nl liked a Page, !hug  -  Jun 14, 2012
baloe12nl commented on a Page, !hug  -  Jun 13, 2012


by ading a BB_code:

that starts with the code: 

and finished with:

your script code comes between it.
baloe12nl commented on a Page, !hug  -  Jun 13, 2012

ok! 'J get it.
it counts how many times the nick hase been hugt

baloe12nl commented on a Page, Simple !afk & back  -  Jun 13, 2012


delet the 4 and use Ctrl+k then typ a 4

/amsg $nick Is back from Reasen: 4 $+ %reason.
baloe12nl liked a Page, Simple !afk & back  -  Jun 13, 2012
baloe12nl commented on a Page, Simple !afk & back  -  Jun 08, 2012
on *:TEXT:!afk*:#: {
  if ( $nick isin %qq. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) {
    /notice $nick $nick $+ ? Je staat al afgemeld. reden: 4 $+ %reason. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+
    /notice $nick Voor een tijd van: 4  $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) ) $+
    /notice $nick Als je weer terug bent $nick $+ , Meld je dan weer aan met: 4 !back 
  else ( $nick ) {
    /set %reason. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $2- | /amsg 4 $nick is FF weg 
    /amsg reden: 4 $+ %reason. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ 9,0 | set %away.time. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $ctime | enable #away | set %away. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on | set %qq. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $nick 

on *:TEXT:!back*:#: {
  if ($nick isin %qq. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) {
    /amsg $nick Is terug van, Reden: 4 $+ %reason. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]  $+ 
    /amsg Hij was weg voor een tijd van:4  $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) ) $+ 6. | unset %reason. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] | disable #away | unset %away.time. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] | unset %away. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] | unset %qq. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $nick
On *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ( $1 isin %qq. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) {
    /msg # $1 is afwezig voor een tijd van:4  $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) ) $+
    /msg # Reden:  4 $+ %reason. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $+ 
  if ( $2 isin %qq. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) {
    /msg # $2 is afwezig voor een tijd van:4  $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) ) $+
    /msg # Reden:  4 $+ %reason. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+
  if ( $3 isin %qq. [ $+ [ $3 ] ] ) {
    /msg # $3 is afwezig voor een tijd van:4  $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time. [ $+ [ $3 ] ] ) ) $+
    /msg # Reden:  4 $+ %reason. [ $+ [ $3 ] ] $+
  if ( $4 isin %qq. [ $+ [ $4 ] ] ) {
    /msg # $4 is afwezig voor een tijd van:4  $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time. [ $+ [ $4 ] ] ) ) $+
    /msg # Reden:  4 $+ %reason. [ $+ [ $4 ] ] $+
  if ( $5 isin %qq. [ $+ [ $5 ] ] ) {
    /msg # $5 is afwezig voor een tijd van:4  $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time. [ $+ [ $5 ] ] ) ) $+
    /msg # Reden:  4 $+ %reason. [ $+ [ $5 ] ] $+
  if ( $6 isin %qq. [ $+ [ $6 ] ] ) {
    /msg # $6 is afwezig voor een tijd van:4  $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time. [ $+ [ $6 ] ] ) ) $+
    /msg # Reden:  4 $+ %reason. [ $+ [ $6 ] ] $+
  if ( $7 isin %qq. [ $+ [ $7 ] ] ) {
    /msg # $7 is afwezig voor een tijd van:4  $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time. [ $+ [ $7 ] ] ) ) $+
    /msg # Reden:  4 $+ %reason. [ $+ [ $7 ] ] $+
  if ( $8 isin %qq. [ $+ [ $8 ] ] ) {
    /msg # $8 is afwezig voor een tijd van:4  $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time. [ $+ [ $8 ] ] ) ) $+
    /msg # Reden:  4 $+ %reason. [ $+ [ $8 ] ] $+
  if ( $9 isin %qq. [ $+ [ $9 ] ] ) {
    /msg # $9 is afwezig voor een tijd van:4  $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time. [ $+ [ $9 ] ] ) ) $+
    /msg # Reden:  4 $+ %reason. [ $+ [ $9 ] ] $+
  if ( $10 isin %qq. [ $+ [ $10 ] ] ) {
    /msg # $10 is afwezig voor een tijd van:4  $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time. [ $+ [ $10 ] ] ) ) $+
    /msg # Reden:  4 $+ %reason. [ $+ [ $10 ] ] $+
  else goto ww

A adation to the code. This is my first try to adet a code. credit to the origenal code maker

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