

Apr 07, 2006

Activity Stream

Sardukar2 commented on a Page, Channel-Notice Script  -  Apr 11, 2006

CaptainHollyShort I think you miss the entire point to the script. How on earth would on *:JOIN: be any use to the aim of this script?

And how is any mIRC script going to control access to channel noticing as a whole? I\'m not sure you know what a \"channel notice\" is.

Please read the description and code properly before passing comment.

Sardukar2 commented on a Page, Dynamic ?commands  -  Apr 10, 2006

Question: Why do you set everything?

Answer: Setting like I have is useful if you later on add more features that involve passing more tokens. Otherwise you\'d have to go through all the code changing the $ token numbers.

Sardukar2 created a Page  -  Apr 10, 2006

Another script for your bots... dynamicaly add command triggers with a trigger, a title and a description.

  1 Thread   mIRC  
Sardukar2 commented on a Page, Random Binary Decision  -  Apr 07, 2006

Note, as with anything ever created by man - this is not 100% random and not 100% unbiased. However, for the purposes of ANYTHING you may want to do in mIRC script, this is more than random and more than unbiased for one\'s needs.

Sardukar2 created a Page  -  Apr 07, 2006

This script has been designed for scripts that need to make a decision out of two options. The script will generate a random integer in mIRC (which alone is usually biased, in some peoples opinions (do not discuss this here please), and performs an MD5 hash on it. MD5 hash will be made of 32 characters, a mix of numbers and alphas. The script will go through the hash until it gets to a number. Then,..

Sardukar2 commented on a Page, Channel-Notice Script  -  Apr 07, 2006

PS: I know its simple, but please rate on its usefullness. For my bots, it has been useful (for example, in my pickup-game channel where we may wish to !promote a game).

Sardukar2 created a Page  -  Apr 07, 2006

This script will notice a channel. However, for notices to be sent to an entire channel mode -N must be set, which leaves channel-noticing open for anyone to use (or abuse). This script will set mode -N, notice the channel, and then set +N back on. The user with the code as it is below must be opped (or with mode-setting privilages). This script can also be used locally; do_notice #channel myname Text..

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