

Aug 17, 2004

Activity Stream

DarkLordPazuzu commented on a Page, mIRC HostServ  -  Sep 26, 2005

sorry I should have said that in the intro.

Paste it into a new remote file and save it.
to set a vhost you use /msg BotNickname set Nickname New.Host just like with Anope.
The same to turn it on and off.
/msg BotNickname on
/msg BotNickname off

I prefer to use HostServ as the nickname since I dont have an actual hostserv.

DarkLordPazuzu commented on a Page, mIRC HostServ  -  Sep 26, 2005

no clue how =o

DarkLordPazuzu created a Page  -  Sep 26, 2005

I downloaded UnrealIRCD and messed around with it a bit. Since I'm on 98, I had a hard time finding services. Thanks to the people here I was able to find Epona IRC Services. Well, I noticed Epona doesn't have a HostServ. So I made one! Its not the greatest but it does the job. =p

DarkLordPazuzu commented on a Page, Public Server Lag Check  -  Aug 27, 2005

Ignore that comment, I added credits for Quickstep and linked to the original post =p
Sorry if it looked like I was trying to steal your work Quickstep, I didnt know it was you that created this.

DarkLordPazuzu commented on a Page, Public Server Lag Check  -  Aug 27, 2005

=o I had no clue this is how he got the code. Sorry about that. Please delete the snippet lol

DarkLordPazuzu created a Page  -  Aug 26, 2005

Stick this in its own remote. To use it have someone type !lag It will announce the servers lag with a /msg to the channel !lag was used in.

DarkLordPazuzu commented on a Page, Unauthorized Admin\Oper Kill  -  Sep 19, 2004

I just updated it, heh forgot to fix a few things. They should all be fixed now.

DarkLordPazuzu commented on a Page, Unauthorized Admin\Oper Kill  -  Sep 19, 2004

It works though

DarkLordPazuzu created a Page  -  Sep 18, 2004

Its a simple on snotice token script. Make adminlist.txt in your script directory and make a list of nicks that are authorized, one for each line. The script will do the rest for you.

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